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Marcel 'Frost' DaCosta | B-Boy Champion

"We believe Frost is a champion man because of his ability to lead youth into values driven lives through hip-hop culture."

Humble and inspiring Canadian B-Boy champion & Founder of the internationally renown Ground illusionz - Hip-Hop Collective based out the Greater Toronto Area, with membership & affiliation in Taiwan, South Korea & Japan.  


Instagram @frostflow  
Twitter @frostflow
Supporting Charity Unity Charity

What Does It Mean To Be A Champion Man?

Being a champion man means you have a high degree of self-assurance, being comfortable with oneself, yet humble enough to learn new things and get support. It means being the kind of man who is focused and assertive, while still being open minded and sensitive.

You’re putting in that work behind closed doors while no one is watching and performing with integrity, not only for the sake of your own goals, but on behalf of all those who support you.

What Key Values Do You Live By?

A little encouragement goes a long way. What you give is what you get. Be open, build, share and make a full step saga. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Always be a student, never a master. Each one, teach one. A true warrior knows kindness, for he protects. 

Mindfulness & awareness are keys to peace. Be true to yourself. Practice gratitude in hard times. It grants you the vision to appreciate the good times. 

Fall down seven times, then get up eight! The vision should always outlast the person.

What Daily Habits Developed Your Inner Champion Most? 

1. Creating my own unique routine and rituals is key.

2. Prayer & meditation as often as possible, it resets you, especially when you’re slipping, making mistakes or are afraid. 

3. Train your whole being through exercising the body, mind and spirit.

4. Knowing what I’m contributing to the
conversation. Always asking what my story is. 

5. Having an intention that is always bigger than you. If you don’t stand for anything or anyone you’re limiting your potential power and missing out on the chance to change the world around you. 

6. Treating the people around you honestly and straight forwardly. 

7. Having understanding and humility especially when you’re wrong.

What Did You Learn From Your Biggest Challenges In Life?

I’ve learned that you gotta be humble man...We gather integrity from knowing oneself, for good and for bad. It’s just as important to gather wisdom and motivation from failure as it is from success. 

Perspective is everything, and these days I “choose” to look at my challenges as opportunities for creativity. This builds resilience, wisdom and drive.

Any Books, Apps or Websites You'd Recommend To Men?

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yoganunda
Bushido by Inazo Nitobe
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Uncanny X-Force graphic novel by Rick Remender

App: Headspace



As a Canadian B-Boy champion, Frost has lead and trained members of his crew to win countless titles both locally and internationally over the last 18 years. Frost is a national ambassador, local leader and pioneer of many grassroots public health initiatives for youth including:

"The Word Project" 2004’, "Behaviour Arts Fest" 2009-14’, "R.H.Y.T.H.M." & "Let Go Expo" 2011’, "Share Our Spirit" 2012-14,"The HUB” 2015-17, "STORYTiME" (Japan) 2015-17  & "Full Step Saga" 2016 all while supporting and representing world recognized organizations & companies such as "BBoyizm", "UNITY Charity" & "BluePrint Pathways” as a performer, producer, program coordinator, facilitator, and senior staff. He has also been instructing for City Dance Corps since 2005 and officially has the longest running Breakin’ class in Toronto! We find Marcel's dedication to develop himself through his craft incredibly inspiring.

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